Close to the big ride: T minus 6 days

Good ride today: I am really struggling with a few parts of clinical, getting better at others (including the nasty pinch climb right at the end), and enjoying many parts of it even more.

I had a close call with one of the very steep gullies, but the lesson for me is you have to be remain confident and keep looking ahead.

I am hopeful I am as well prepared as I can be, and my vibe today is that I am more excited than scared of the upcoming challenge. w00t!

A bike that needs yet another clean. Shown hanging in the AMAZING bike room at work.
Test pack into the Ground Effect Tardis: IT WORKED! And the fit was pretty good. I could not get the wheels into the assigned area of the bag. Not exactly as directed, but with some cardboard and so on it will hopefully survive the flights undamaged. Pretty stoked so far.