Fenceline from Highbury Fling to the Turbine

5 in a row. It might be hard to squeeze something in tomorrow.

Today was significant as I managed to get to the Turbine via Highbury Fling and Fenceline, and back home in less than an hour.

I had a couple of dismounts on the steep stuff, and was pretty stuffed the further up I got. Recovery was quick however.

The first segment of the climb from Highbury Fling to Sawmill took just under 10 minutes. From Sawmill to the Turbine took roughly 15 minutes (I was so fatigued at the top I didn’t check the time). It’s just shy of 2km, so the time demonstrates how hard and slow the climb is. It honestly doesn’t feel like something I’ll get much faster at.

The conditions were pretty good, still, heavy fog (so everything was wet), cool but a pleasant temperature.

I won’t do this everyday but it was still a neat little accomplishment.

Brooklyn wind turbine, yesterday.