Category: Ride

  • Makara morning ride, gruff and unfriendly (older) men

    Once again the a couple of loops of Koru, Magic Carpet, Big Tom’s Wheelie, and Lazy Fern. I hadn’t really eaten enough, so the first loop up was good, but I felt I was struggling a little on the second loop up.

    I still managed a faster time on the second way up, even though I cruised behind some slower folks for a while, around 13 minutes to the top of Koru.

    There were some interesting personalities on the trial, some friendly, and some very gruff and terse – what is it with some 50-60 year old men on flash bikes that makes them so miserable and unfriendly?

    It was a fun ride overall, I noticed my cornering on the way down was much improved, although I am still extremely tense on some of the corners.

  • Makara Peak after work

    A quick Koru/Magic Carpet/Lazy Fern loop. It was my fastest time down the Lazy Fern, and I was starting to manage the corners a lot better. There is still one, the biggest and widest one, that I am still really struggling with.

    A great ride!

  • Commuting

    After a hiatus and lots of working from home it was fabulous to ride down to work today.

    I needed to get home before lunch and riding up in the midday traffic was lovely as it was so much quieter than the late afternoon traffic.

  • Finally back on the bike

    It was so great to be back on the trail today. After a break for to a wicked head cold it was surprising how easy it was too get back into it.

    The first ride up felt super. I realized I wasn’t looking far enough ahead, and worked on it. It made a big difference and helped my performance dramatically.

  • 9.20 up the hill

    I had a fun although relatively slow ride down the hill this morning.

    On the way up I pushed myself a little again, and to my surprise my time was 9.20. I didn’t dream of that, and I now think that a sub-nine minute time is possible for me.

  • Lighter mornings!

    It’s been great getting away a little earlier and not really needing the lights to see in the morning. It was a fast and fun zip down the hill.

    Coming up was great too, my fastest time by a couple of seconds. There was a rider ahead of me that I used to attempt to focus on, and it did push a little harder. The first part of the hill was slower than usual, but the top half was a lot faster. Nice ride!

  • Hutt cycle trail, 35km

    Fantastic ride for 2.5 hours. I had a VERY sore butt by the end.

    I got unlucky with the wind, I rode into it in both directions. I got to a point close to the end where I was getting concerned I was going to run out of energy and be unable to finish. It worked out just fine though, and I felt pretty good.

    The other lessons were:

    15 minutes further equals 30 mins in total. I knew it but it threw me.

    I am still not confident. More riding required.

  • Commutin’

    Apparently I got up to 58km/hr on the way down the hill, I find that quite hard to believe. Nothing very notable though.

    The way up was OK, the speedo again proving very helpful. Just over 10 minutes up the hill which I was pretty happy with.

  • Commute

    Ripped down the hill in the morning – great fun. I got the speed wobbles on one of the corners I took without braking, I didn’t feel out of control but was unsure how close to the losing it I was.

    The way up was OK. The speedo helps a great deal, and I managed 10.07 for the climb up the hill. I am keen to get consistently below 10 minutes, but am reasonably happy with today’s time.

  • Commutin’ again

    It was a chilly old morning, but clear and crisp. I raced down the hill with one of my fastest times – I was bring pretty careful given the temperature and the chance of icy patches. It sounds silly, but I once again was in my work clothes – something I’ll do all the time unless it’s wet.

    On the way up I used the Cateye Quick to monitor my time up the hill, it was immensely helpful. I followed the advice to work my cardio system rather than my leg muscles and was in a pretty low gear but pedaling fast (well, by my standards that is). It resulted in my fastest time up the hill so far, sub-ten minutes. To be fair, conditions were perfect, so I don’t expect to see that sort of time all the time. It could also be the start of more consistent times, but we’ll see. Anyhoo, I was pleased with the initial return on my investment in the Cateye Quick.