Wet wet wet

A quick zip down the hill in the wet with a lot of traffic. To complicate things there were some pretty decent wind gusts. I was super careful until the traffic cleared about half way down the hill when I found I could sit in the middle of the lane and avoid slippery street markings. Nice ride overall, and once I was off the main street there was little traffic to contend with.

The ride up was a little wet also, but the rain had stopped. I went a little mad and decided to ride up the through one of the bush tracks through Central Park. It was much better than last time I tried in January, but I was forced to stop twice and walk.

The track was wet, with a few roots that I could feel my rear wheel slipping over, and the track was soft with mud and saturated leaf litter.

Traction was fine, but I was careful to apply low power as much as possible in a low gear. But the incline was too steep in places and forced me to stop. I’m determined to get up that track at some point, but even a seasoned mountain biker said that route was a tough one.

It’s another new challenge for me as I am determined to ride up it without stopping.